Dental Services in Elizabethton, TN

Preventative Care

It's critical to prevent major problems with your teeth and gums before they start. Preventative care is the best way to have a long-lasting, beautiful smile and healthy gums. Whether it's a quick exam, a 6-month appointment, checkup or cleaning, we'll handle all of your preventative care needs.


Avoid Painful Gum Disease

The beginning stages of gingivitis may bring little or no discomfort. We will do a proper evaluation to ensure you are doing everything possible to defend against gum disease.

Preventative Services:

Teeth cleaning

  • 6-month visits
  • Fillings
  • Checkups
  • Mouth guards
  • Snore guards

Exams And Cleanings

Typically, exams and cleanings are performed every six months, but it is possible that depending on your current condition, more frequent visits may be needed to maintain your health. We will keep you up to date with everything you need to know.


Have you been dealing with tooth, jaw or other related pain that doesn't seem to be going away? Infections in the nerves can sometimes lead to infections and bone loss that is painful to deal with. Endodontic care helps to remove infected nerves.

Proper Examinations Bring Proper Results

We will always recommend what is best for your oral health, which may include root canal or tooth extraction. The best treatment for you depends on your examination results.

Eliminating Pain

A root canal will focus on the pulp of your tooth, which can become infected due to trauma, decay, cracking, or chipping. The non-surgical root canal procedure can save your tooth and prevent the need to replace the tooth with an implant or bridge.

Endodontic Re-Treatment

Teeth with endodontic treatment often last as long as natural teeth do, but on occasion, treatment may not heal properly or pain may still exist. In that case, endodontic retreatment is available to solve problems like new decay, loose fillings, or damaged crowns.

Restorative Dentistry

Our goal is to get your teeth and your smile back to full strength. As time goes on, general wear and tear, injuries and illness can all wreak havoc on your teeth. No matter what problems you are facing, Dr. D. Keith Morley DDS and staff will work hard to restore your smile.

Smile Brightly Again

Not having the smile you want can lead to a lack of confidence. You are always our number one priority when you visit our office. Schedule your visit today!

Restorative Dental Services:

  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Dentures
  • Fillings
  • Bondings
  • Veneers

Full Dental Restoration:

  • Single tooth replacement
  • Multiple tooth replacement
  • Fixed and removable bridgework
  • Full dentures
  • Partial dentures
  • Implant restoration

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is never really a fun experience. That being said, Dr. Morley and staff will always focus on you and your comfort throughout the entire process. Oral surgery will always be done with the utmost of care and a professional touch that returns you to full health.

  • Wisdom teeth removal
  • Facial trauma
  • Implants
  • Extractions
  • Cracked teeth

Removal of wisdom teeth

A person's first tooth extraction, often times, is the removal of their wisdom teeth. Sometimes, wisdom teeth may be partially erupted, which can cause pain and inflammation. Not having wisdom teeth removed can lead to periodontal disease and issues with other molars.

Teeth Whitening

Your teeth should always be sparkling. If you have looked in the mirror and discolored teeth stare back at you, there is a way to solve the problem. Teeth whitening helps to lighten the color of your teeth in a non-invasive manner, and it improves your smile.

Turn Back The Clock On Your Smile

Teeth can darken and stain from food we eat, drinks we indulge in, medications we take, and smoking that we may partake in. Whiten your teeth with tested and proven methods

Whiten Teeth At Home

Whitening kits can be provided to you at our office so you can whiten teeth at home. At your first appointment, impressions will be made, and custom plastic trays will be implemented that go to work while you are in the comfort of your own home. This makes the process easier for you.


Individual Attention

It is important to understand that not all teeth are suitable for whitening. If there is a crown on your tooth, it may have a tough time lightening in color. Teeth that have been filled often don't respond as well as teeth that have not b


Our compassionate and dedicated staff will always provide you with orthodontic care you can trust. Orthodontic care is available at any age to straighten teeth and align them the way they should be aligned. With each mouth being different, you will get personalized care.

The Best Smile And The Best Care

Orthodontics can create proper facial structure, provide room for crowded teeth, and will reduce the need for any tooth removal in the future while lessening the chance for trauma due to protrusion.

Professional Treatment

Total orthodontic care is available for people of any age. Typical orthodontic treatment begins between the ages of 11-15, though we recommend the first checkup no later than age 7. Orthodontic treatments depending on overall health can also be for adults.

The Latest Technology

Invisalign has the ability to straighten teeth and deliver a great smile, every time. Invisalign moves teeth little by little, and with clear aligners, nobody will notice! With no brace like wires, you can eat whatever you want while going about your daily routine.

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